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Portugal Companies

446 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
EcoMovimento is a company licensed for the Operation and Management of Waste. Our area of ​​activity is essentially focused on the recycling of Used Food Oil (OAU) in order to value and renew this material, extending its life cycle as a form of, mainly, Biofuel. We guarantee a differentiated and quality…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Transformgreen, Lda is a non-hazardous waste management company. At TransforGreen we collect and treat non-hazardous waste, namely paper, cardboard, plastic and textiles. The residues are sorted, pressed and sent for subsequent recycling to give rise to new products.
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Globipedestal – Recovery and Recycling of Plastics, Unipessoal Lda is a company dedicated to the recovery of industrial and domestic plastic waste with a very low degree of dirt. Established on January 13, 2014, it aims to be in the Portuguese and international market serving its customers…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Our philosophy Recivalongo bets on sustainable development as the best way to create social well-being, environmental balance and evolution . We look for opportunities in the challenge that humanity faces: finding a model of development without compromising future generations.
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Our corporate purpose is the recycling of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the dismantling of end-of-life vehicles and the sale of used parts. Services Vehicle scrapping, buying and selling scrap, Decommissioning, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, auto parts, tires, scrap collection, WEEE
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Superabate – Centro de Abate de Viaturas , Lda., was created in 2009 based on the family experience of its founders. Inserted in the area of ​​scrap and metal waste recycling, it aims to respond to new market needs, as well as offering the service of dismantling end-of-life vehicles. Superabate,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Silclagem is an entity licensed by the Environment Ministry, which focuses its activities in waste management. Founded in 1989 by Aureliano Silva, is assumed to be responsible to minimize the environmental impact by directing citizens to take a sustainable destination for their waste. In 2003, Paula…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Barnartrade was founded in 1987 with the aim of marketing raw materials, recycling plastic waste and representing equipment for the plastics industry. It was authorized to carry out the activity of recycling plastics, at its facilities in Estarreja, with a covered area of ​​6,200 m2, by licensing issued…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
TECPLÁSNOVA is a plastics recycling and reprocessing company that operates in a circular economy, with the ability to select, transform and customize technically-based plastic raw materials for all of its Customers' challenges. It is a company with 18 years of history, reinforced technical skills…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Derasa Our mission is to actively contribute to building a more sustainable environment, in which the circular economy positively affects people's lives. DERASA is a company dedicated to car dismantling, recycling materials from this dismantling and supplying colors to companies dedicated to the recycling…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Leiloeste Lda is a company that focuses its activity on the Collection and Management of Industrial Solid Waste. The Company has been operating in the market for over 15 years, having progressively diversified its activity over the last decade and currently collects, manages and provides related services…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Nowadays, it is important to realize that many of the waste produced can still be used, and therefore should not be treated as simple waste, but rather as a source of raw material or fuel, which urgently needs to be properly valued and which can regain economic value. The industrialists, which as stipulated…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Ambicaldas is a young company that emerged to fill a gap in the Central Region with regard to the collection, sorting and recycling of metal waste, scrap and end-of-life vehicles. It is also a company concerned with the environment, which is why it has a duly licensed park in Caldas da Raínha,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Biogoma is a company specialized in the production and commercialization of Recycled Rubber Granules, by the mechanical process at ambient temperature. The used tires are transformed into a new raw material, known as rubber granules and have a wide range of applications in the most varied types of industries,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
PneuGreen PneuGreen Collection and Recycling of Tires is an end-of-life tire reception center authorized by Valorpneu, being the only one present in the West region.
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Recidubai – Reciclagem de Plásticos Lda specialises in recycling plastics and several members of our team have vast experience in the plastics industry. From our experience, we understand that recycling plastics is advantageous for companies and for preserving the environment. Vision Providing…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Our Solutions We offer recycling services with waste management standards specific to this industry, quality control and aiming towards sustainability. Waste Management Sorting and Selection of Plastic Waste Recycling Industrialized Treatment and Recycling System Enviromental We Work to Improve the…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
Palbase was founded in 1988, with the aim of filling an existing gap in the Portuguese industrial fabric at the time: the manufacture of peripheral equipment for the plastics industry. Since then, it has extended its strategy to a constantly changing market, seeking specialization in well-defined areas,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
The activity of Pearlizplas focuses on providing high added value plastic parts and services related to the plastic injection moulding test and solution design. We have appeared as part of a business development strategy, which results in the complement of Pearlmaster supplies – company dedicated…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2022
We are proud to be a reference in the world of manufacturers of equipment for recovery and recycling in the industry. Located in Leiria, central Portugal, we produce a wide range of equipment and integrated solutions tailored to the needs of our customers. Currently, the Plasmaq team of technicians…
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