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France Gold Coins

1899-1914 France 20 Francs Rooster BU  Product Description: Gold Rooster Issues Loud Wake-Up Call! Whether you're a seasoned gold buyer or new to the precious metal, this French Gold Rooster is a great way to get your share. Struck between 1899 and 1914, it's one of the most beautiful gold coins…
Melt Value: US$  257.241
Coin Specifications Category: France Gold 20 Franc (1899-1914, Rooster) Composition: 90% Gold Weight: 6.4516g AGW: 0.1867oz      
Melt Value: US$  257.305
Coin Specifications Category: France Gold 20 Franc (1871-1898, Angel) Composition: 90% Gold Weight: 6.4516g AGW: 0.1867oz  
Melt Value: US$  257.305
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