Connecticut Used Parts & Auto Wrecking

36 Brewery St, Waterbury, Connecticut, United States | Memberships : Nil

There are many updates and new features added, so take some time, and be sure to bookmark us (CTRL+D) and check back often. We have our complete inventory online. Our goal is to provide our customers with a level of quality and customer service. The advent of the Internet will allow us to expand on our capabilities to meet and exceed our customer expectations. Connecticut Used Auto Parts is a full service recycler with a large inventory of vehicles to supply all your parts needs. If we don't have it we can find it for you!

Materials Accepted
1 scrap vehicles
2Junk Cars
3Junk Vehicles
4Used Auto Parts
5Used Automotive Parts

Company Services

Company Locations

Waterbury, Connecticut
United States
ZIP: 06708
View Directions

Phone : 1(203) 575-9642

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