Oud IJzer Koning

Arnhem, dr. 52 A. Kuyperstraat, Gelderland, Netherlands | Memberships : Nil

We are a mobile recycling company that collects scrap iron and non-ferrous metals from your home or business for recycling. We are registered with the Chamber of Commerce, Arnhem and NIWO certified. We also collect items that contain iron. (For example: plasticized metal or metal with a little plastic, etc..) We also collect electrical and electronic equipment. In short, we will take along everything that has a plug in consultation. If you have something, we will come to see you and you will receive expert advice from us. You must remember that all old iron and appliances are recycled. So new things are being made of it.

Materials Accepted
2Stereo Equipment
3Non ferrous metals
4Scrap Iron

Company Services

Company Locations

ZIP: 6823 EE
View Directions

Phone : (062) 002-8624

Mail : oudijzerkoning@oudijzerkoning.nl

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