Bessies Best Compost

Lamont Rd., Gainesville, New York, United States

This manure has already been separated once by our Bedding Recovery Unit.  Suppressing weeds and providing nutrients are just a few benefits of using compost in your garden.This is the liquid portion left over from making bedding. It is homogenized, then pumped to our secondary screw press with a very fine screen in it, designed for capturing as many solids as possible.

The solids are dropped onto a conveyor to be moved to the compost building, or onto a truck to be taken to a neighboring farm. The liquid that is left from this process is what we store under our covered lagoon, to be field applied at an ideal time for crop production.

One of our trucks being loaded with raw manure solids. This load will be used to fertilize a neighbor's field to help them maximize their crop production. Because it is in solid form, it can be stored until the optimal time for field application.

Materials Accepted
Organic Waste
2Hardwood Mulch
4Organic Compost

Company Services

Company Locations

Gainesville, New York
United States
ZIP: 14066
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Phone : 58532269095857393761

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