Recycling & Disposal Services Inc.

4916 LABOUNTY DRIVE, Ferndale, Washington, United States

Whatcom County’s largest locally owned transfer station that cares about the community and the environment.

Mission Statement :

To serve the Whatcom County community by responsibly handling the solid waste brought to our Ferndale transfer station, while creating local jobs with livable wages and participating in community efforts to protect our environment today and for the future.

RDS receives no government assistance. We do what we do because it is the right thing for our community, our employees, and our children that live in Whatcom County. RDS is a small business, and our additional duty is to run a responsible company so that we can continue to provide our services and commitment to environmentally sound practices today and in the future.

History :

RDS was started in 1996 when Larry McCarter saw there was only a single company handling garbage with no competition for price and environmental responsibility. Competing against large out-of-state corporations, he has built the business up to now employee over 30 people, providing local jobs and keeping prices for customers below inflation rate over the past two decades.

Our Commitment :

Our owners and workers live in the community, and we are committed to providing friendly services at competitively low prices while doing our best to protect the environment.

Materials Accepted
1Aluminum Cans
2Tin Cans
3 News Paper
5Junk Mail
7Mixed Paper
9Phone books
10#1 PETE Plastic Bottles
11#2 HDPE Plastic Bottles
12#3 PVC Plastic Bottles
13#4 LDPE Plastic Bottles
14#5 PP Plastic Bottles
15#6 PS Plastic Bottles
16#7 Others Plastic Bottles

Company Services

Company Locations

Ferndale, Washington
United States
ZIP: 98248
View Directions

Phone : (360) 384-8011

Mail : Nil

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