Midwest Material Recovery

7700 E Railroad Ave, St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Midwest Material Recovery recycles your computer and electronics the right way.  It doesn't matter if you are a manufacturer, large corporation, computer/electronics recycler, or municipality, MMR can help with your recycling needs.

We offer our customers socially and environmentally responsible recycling for all computer and electronics items. We offer superior customer service, strict environmental standards, and secure data destruction. Midwest Material Recovery prides itself as a leader in technological advancements. MMR has become an e-waste industry leader for its dedication to advancing technologies.

MMR tracks all e-waste entering its facility at all stages, from receiving reports, to reconciliation reports, to downstream vendors. This assures that all e-waste received by MMR is 100% recycled and traceable. This ensures that e-waste does not end up in local landfills and also ensures that it is not exported to other nations.

Americans generate 4.5 pounds of trash per day.  MMR captures electronic materials that would normally be sent to a landfill and convert those materials back into the raw commodities that are required to create new products.

Our recycling approach is one that ensures that as materials finish their useful life cycle they are recaptured and broken down into the elements that were originally used to create the product and reused in the creation of the next product or products. 

Materials Accepted
1Answering Machines
3Camera (Digital, Film, Polaroid, etc.)
4CD/Disk/Floppy Drives
5Cell Phones
6Cell Phones (Incomplete) also PDAs, Pagers, MP3 players, etc.
7Cordless Phones
8Hard Drive
10LCD Monitor
15Stereo Equipment
16White Goods
17Zip Drives

Company Services

Company Locations

St. Louis, Missouri
United States
ZIP: 63147
View Directions

Phone : 1(314) 880-9500

Mail : info@mmrstl.com

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