Civicorps Recycling

101 Myrtle Street, Oakland , California, United States

For 28 years, Civicorps Recycling has provided high-quality recycling collections to businesses across the East Bay, while also training low-income youth to enter lucrative careers. We are now the largest non-profit recycler in the East Bay.

Alameda County ordinance requires that all commercial businesses, non-profits and institutions must have recycling services. Our services offer triple bottom line — financial, social and environmental— benefits. Civicorps Recycling is a social enterprise of Civicorps, which is a 33-year old non-profit located in Oakland.  

Materials Accepted
Organic Waste
2Home Garbage
3Trash Cleanouts

Company Services

Company Locations

Oakland , California
United States
ZIP: 94607
View Directions

Phone : (510) 992-7871

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