Gundies Auto Recycling

Gundies Inc., 1283 Mount Baker Highway, Bellingham, Washington, United States

Gundies is a state-of-the-art facility that leads the Pacific Northwest auto recycling industry in supplying highest-quality used parts to insurance companies, auto body and collision repair shops, and individual customers. With more than 5,000 cars on over 50 acres, we carry parts for most foreign and domestic late-model cars and light trucks.

Our inventory and dismantling technologies keep us on the leading edge of the industry, helping you find the parts you need and tracking your order from inquiry to arrival. We also have a limited inventory of parts for older model, special-interest, and antique vehicles.

Mission Statement :

At Gundie’s, our mission is to be the Northwest’s #1 supplier of quality used auto parts while leading the industry in recycling technology. We promise you will always speak with an experienced salesman trained to quickly locate your part and deliver it according to your timeline.

Materials Accepted
4Used Auto Parts

Company Services

Company Locations

Gundies Inc.
Bellingham, Washington
United States
ZIP: 98226
View Directions

Phone : (360) 733-5036

Mail :

Gundies of Graham
Graham, Washington
United States
ZIP: 98338
View Directions

Phone : (253) 846-6346

Mail :

Gundies Portland Metro
Battle Ground, Washington
United States
ZIP: 98604
View Directions

Phone : (360) 687-4944

Mail :

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