Tri State Escrap

6001 Dry Fork Road, Cleves, Ohio, United States

E-Waste (electronic waste), also known as 'brown goods,' refers to electronic equipment that is no longer usable or wanted. It encompasses a broad and growing range of electronic devices, including computers, office equipment, televisions (TVs), cellular phones and personal stereos (but not including some household appliances). We refer to these items as 'escrap', which can be recycled rather than dumped into the landfill.

Today, when an electronic item breaks or becomes outdated, it is often perceived to be more cost-effective to discard it and replace it with a new, more modern item instead of having it repaired. With technology advancing at an increasing rate, this trend will only increase, and more and more 'escrap' could fill up our landfills.

Kentucky statutes prohibit the landfilling of computer scrap (particulary CRTs and Leaded Glass) for businesses. Any electronic device that contains a circuit board has the potential to exceed the TCLP limit for hazardous materials (TCLP is Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure). If you dispose of materials that can fail the TCLP, then you may be required by the EPA to register as a hazardous waste generator.

Materials Accepted
1CD/Disk/Floppy Drives
3Cell Phones
4Circuit Boards
5Complete Desktop or Tower computers (No Monitors)
6CRT Monitors
7Disk Drives (DVD/CD/Floppy)
8DVD Players
9Floppy Disks
10Ink Cartridges
12Keyboards / Mice
13Laptop Computers
14Laser Toner Cartridges
15LCD Monitors (not working)
16LCD Monitors (working)
17Power Supplies
21Stereo Equipment
23UPS Battery Backups
25Wire and Cables
26Ferrous Scrap
27Non ferrous metals

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Company Locations

Cleves, Ohio
United States
ZIP: 45002
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Phone : (513) 240-2521

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