Veteran Compost

328 Bush Chapel Rd, Aberdeen, Maryland, United States

Veteran Compost is about two things:

1. Employing veterans and their family members

2. Turning food scraps into high-quality compost

Our goal is to fuel our growth with people and material that others pass over. Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans have an unemployment rate that exceeds the national average.  That means that a combat vet has a harder time getting a job than the average person. Two thirds of the material that gets thrown away in the United States every year is compostable.


Materials Accepted
Organic Waste
1Food Waste
4Wood Chips
5Yard Waste
7soiled paper
8waxed cardboard

Company Services

Company Locations

Aberdeen, Maryland
United States
ZIP: 21001
View Directions

Phone : (443) 584-3478

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