Ready Set Recycle Corp

PO Box 225 , Hantsport, Nova Scotia, Canada

Ready Set Recycle Corp. Began operations in January 2008 in Grande Prairie, Alberta. The company initially specialized in the collection and recycling of automotive batteries, rechargeable batteries, copper, aluminum, brass, and catalytic converters. Between January and August 2008, over 1.1 million pounds of lead/acid filled batteries was diverted from landfills and successfully recycled.In September 2008 the company moved its’ operations to Halifax, Nova Scotia and began working on a recycling program for cell phones and printer cartridges. Ready Set Recycle formed partnerships with the IWK Health Centre and the Ecology Action Centre to increase awareness of the program and make a contribution to vital initiatives. As an incentive for citizens to utilize our recycling program a portion of recycling revenues is donated to our partners. 

We started with 8 and currently have 60 drop locations in Nova Scotia and will double our reach by September 2010. To date we have recycled over 2000 cell phones, 5000 printer cartridges, and thousands of pounds of other small electronics and rechargeable batteries. With continued support and interest from individuals like yourself we will help Nova Scotia to continue to be a leader in waste diversion and Corporate Social Responsibility.

July 2010 Casey Binkley

Update: It is November 2011 now and we have made a ton of progress! Like predicted the program has doubled. There are now 142 recycling bins located in 3 Maritime Provinces. Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick now have access! The amount of material being brought in has also grown. New bins generate more material in general but many of the initial bins get used very regularly. We will continue to add more bins into the Maritime Provinces.The next step will be expanding the program into Ontario. We will start accomplishing that during 2012. Stay tuned for details on that. Like always thank you for your support and lets continue to keep as much as we can out of landfills.

Join Our Mission

Ready Set Recycle is committed to the goal of preventing all cell phones, printer cartridges, rechargeable batteries and small electronics from entering landfills. We have been recycling in Nova Scotia since January 2009. Currently we have collection bins at the Atlantic Superstores (9), Universities (35), Halifax Regional Schools (16), Professional Centre’s (5), Mic Mac Mall, and other individual locations. 

With a lack of effort and awareness surrounding this type of recycling, we have formed partnerships with the IWK Health Care Centre of Halifax and the Ecology Action Centre. A portion of our recycling profits is donated to each of the charities as an incentive for consumers to recycle their unwanted items. Over the last 16 months, the program has proven to be viable and the collection amounts have become consistent and substantial.We are currently in the process of seeking out more appropriate sites for collection points. High traffic locations such as ones at your facility are ideal for our program to work effectively. The program works like this:

Who Recycles

Individuals are encouraged to recycle their unwanted cell phones, printer cartridges, rechargeable batteries, and small electronics at the most convient drop location. Please ensure to recycle all accessories including charges and other electronic adapters. CLICK HERE for a map of recycling locations.

Organizations are encouraged to recycle their unwanted cell phones, printer cartridges, rechargeable batteries, and small electronics at the most convient drop location or contact a Ready Set Recycle representative to schedule a pick up. We do monthly recycling rounds to our collection locations and can include your organization on the route. CLICK HERE for a map of recycling locations.

Making the Most of Recycling
Please do your best to treat items carefully to help us efficiently recycle them. The better the condition the more likely it can be refurbished and put back in use which helps reduce the amount of natural resources we use. Thanks for your help!

Why Recycles

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
Recycling reduces the demand on Earth’s limited natural resources enabling us to utilize land for open spaces rather than landfills. When you recycle your printer cartridges and cell phones with Ready Set Recycle you are making a commitment to improving environmental and public health for generations to come.

Civic Responsibility

Ready Set Recycle enables you and/or your organization to stand up and be counted as those who are making a difference. Working within our local community to engage awareness that printer cartridges and cell phones are recyclable and have a monetary value which is both economical and environmental.You can also be confident that your eligible recycled cartridges and cell phones are re-entering the consumer market as an environmentally conscious and cost-effective alternative to the original manufacturer brand cartridges. Together, we are making a difference by eliminating non-biodegradable plastics and metals contained in printer cartridges and cell phones from entering our landfills.Ready Set Recycle has implemented protocols for the reduction of office waste as well as waste from the remanufacturing process. We are committed to maintaining a low environmental impact by utilizing FSC certified materials in our operations. We encourage you and your organization to do the same!A typical cell phone contains materials such as arsenic, zinc, and lead. Therefore disposing of old cell phones is not only wasteful, it’s dangerous. These materials can seep into groundwater and eventually end up in the air we breathe.

Every empty printer cartridge that is thrown away adds more than a kilo of plastic to landfill sites. The plastic discarded is industrial grade and takes more than 1000 years to decompose, leaving behind toxic waste that finds its way into the water table. By recycling your unwanted items you will be helping to reduce resource consumption and climate change.All of the material put in our recycling bins is sorted in a location in Halifax. The material is then shipped to ISO certified recycling facilities in North America. All of the material is either remanufactured for future use or sent to smelting facilities to be melted down and resources recovered. None of the material deposited in our recycling bins are shipped outside of North America or end up in landfills.

Materials Accepted
1Cell Phones
2Circuit Boards
3Hard Drive
6Catalytic convertors

Company Services

Company Locations

PO Box 225
Hantsport, Nova Scotia
ZIP: B0P 1P0
View Directions

Phone : 1(416) 271-1008

Mail :

4502 – 15 Fort York Blvd
Toronto, Ontario
ZIP: M5V 3Y4
View Directions

Phone : 1(416) 271-1008

Mail :

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