K-Light Recycling

1665 St. John St, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

K-Light Recycling is an established Saskatchewan company, known in Regina for over 15 years for its excellent new and reconditioned lighting products. Within the past few years, K-Light changed focus to environmental lamp recycling services, providing recycling programs for a wide variety of lighting products which we recycle in our specially equipped facility.The lamps we recycle, particularly fluorescent tubes, are incredibly damaging to the environment. K-Light strives to maintain 100% of the lamp components are re-smelted and reused.

Commercial Lamp Recycling Programs

K-Light Recycling representatives are dedicated to helping you and your organization meet your environmental goals in a simple, effective and affordab.Arrangements for shipping, storage, recycling and certification of disposal can all be arranged to meet your needs.We offer fiber and plastic storage barrel rentals, an easy and safe storage method for your 4’fluorescent tubes.

Company Services

Company Locations

1665 St. John St
Regina, Saskatchewan
ZIP: S4P 1R6
View Directions

Phone : (306) 359-3059

Mail : klightrecycling@sasktel.net

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