Computer Recycling of Claremont

272 River Road , Claremont, New Hampshire, United States

Why Recycle With Us?

  • We are convenient. We offer free pick up within a 50-mile radius of Claremont, NH to our corporate customers. Drop offs by appointment.

  • We are responsible. Electronic equipment does not belong in landfills or in incinerators. Equipment is disassembled and shipped to registered and insured US recycling facilities.

  • We are reasonable. Our recycling rates for unwanted electronics are the lowest in the Twin State area!

  • We are experienced. We have 20+ years of experience in the electronics recycling field. We have the equipment and the space.

  • We are secure. Is your electronic data truly protected from theft by just having others write over it or saying it has been erased? Do you really want to take such a chance and let others sell your 'wiped' hard drive on the internet to anyone?

  • We focus on customer service. Ask us about setting up a fundraising collection event for your non profit organization. We are committed to proper environmental recycling of all e-waste items and also want to help out within our community by offering our expertise in setting up fundraising collection events throughout the year for area non profits.

We positively guarantee full physical destruction of 'ALL' hard drives we receive.Complete destruction of computer hard drives is guaranteed at our location or yours. We do this with the use of a Garner PD-5 Hard Drive destruction machine. The Garner PD-5 is Department of Defense approved as a method of hard drive destruction. Any hard drive that is processed using the PD-5 is impossible to be used or have its data retrieved. Give us a call today to set up an appointment for destruction of your bulk hard drives that require proper destruction or to learn more about hard drive destruction. There is a fee for on site quantity hard drive destruction.

  • Remove unwanted computers and electronic equipment from area businesses and schools.

  • Dismantle electronic equipment to keep these items out of landfills and incinerators.

  • Recycle the components for reuse through transfer to licensed recycling facilities.

  • Protect your secrets. We guarantee information privacy and data security. We remove and disable all hard drives. Files can never be recovered.

What We Charge

  • A reasonable recycling fee will be charged for the recycling of unwanted electronic items. Our recycling rates for unwanted electronics are the lowest in the Twin State area!

  • Please check with us for School, Nonprofit fees and Fund Raisers.

Materials Accepted
1Cell / Laptop Batteries
2Cell Phones
3DVD Players
6Lead Acid Batteries

Company Services

Company Locations

272 River Road
Claremont, New Hampshire
United States
ZIP: 03743
View Directions

Phone : (603) 930-6655

Mail :

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