Raw Material Recovery Corporation

461 West Broadway, Gardner, Massachusetts, United States


RMR has built a refrigerant gas recovery line unmatched in this area. Our recovered gases are shipped to processors for refinement and reuse. By processing these products in an indoor controlled environment, releases are virtually eliminated helping to preserve our fragile atmosphere.


CRT recycling is also our specialty along with LCD, LED & plasma display products. Did you know that LCD displays contain mercury lamps? We manually remove these for proper recycling. Over the years we have diverted millions of pounds of lead and mercury products from landfills.

Residential Recycling

Rid your home of unwanted clutter without adding to our landfills by using the household recycling services of Raw Material Recovery in Gardner, Massachusetts. Our recycling service includes much more than just electronics & appliances — we'll even come to your location to recycle your lawn & garden equipment, furniture, that old tire accumulation and much more! Call us for a quote based on your needs. 

Commercial & Municipal Recycling

States, cities, towns, corporations, small business, property management firms, utilities, Raw Material Recovery Corp. can work with you to implement a recycling program based on your needs. Whether you generate precious metal bearing residue, universal waste categories, e-waste, or scrap appliances & metals RMR can manage your materials. Security concerns? Our sensitive outbound products ship directly to refiners and smelters so be assured that your proprietary product remains secure.

Commercial Clean Out Services

RMR provides clean out services to propery owners, realtors and property management companies. We understand that when these services are required you are losing money! RMR strives to quickly restore your property to a broom-swept showable condition. Most of these jobs fall into one of the four categories below. In all of these cases we will work closely with you to get your property back to work.

About Raw Material Recovery Corporation

Welcome to RMR, the second recycling company founded and principled by Dick & Debbie Peloquin. Our first company, incorporated in 1999 and sold in 2007, was the first CRT recycling company to achieve two concurrent statewide CRT recycling contracts, Massachusetts and Maine. During those years we performed our contractual duties to a level that our competitors could not reach. We established a reputation internationally for producing some of the cleanest, most well prepared recycled feedstock materials.
Now, with that experience and reputation backing us, our new company incorporated in 2011, Raw Material Recovery Corp., is positioned to process a more diversified product base. We still process CRT products and their new cousins, the LCD, LED & Plasma displays and have added Refrigerant Gas recovery and subsequent apppliance recycling to our services. We also process gasoline powered lawn & garden equipment, home furnishings and normal clean waste from household and business environments.
Our process remains mostly manual which has been proven to produce the highest quality recovered materials and the overall highest percentage of reclaimed materials versus present mechanical shredding and sorting systems which are producing a lesser quality output stream. Manual disassembly also helps prevent hazardous waste items from being processed such as mercury devices and lamps, batteries and PCB laden components in older products. We are able to isolate these materials and forward them to the proper treatment facilities. Our manual process may not be the fastest but it is the best! We also believe in supporting people, machines are nice but people are better!
If you or your company wants to start or increase your recycling efforts please call and give us the opportunity to offer our guidance. In most cases recycling saves money and diverts good reusable material from the wastestream. Much better to see all that clean fiber, aluminum, steel and plastic get reused than sit dormant in a huge pile.
RMR will work with qualified charities to perform product collection events as fundraisers and a community service.

Materials Accepted
1Circuit Boards
2Electric Motors
5Lead-Acid Batteries

Company Services

Company Locations

461 West Broadway
Gardner, Massachusetts
United States
ZIP: 01440
View Directions

Phone : (978) 730-8266

Mail : dick@rawmatrec.com

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