Custom Alloy Scrap Sales

2730 Peralta Street , Oakland , California, United States

Our Work

CASS is a processor of ferrous & non-ferrous metals that manufactures secondary aluminum ingot in Oakland, California. We have been servicing the domestic and international markets of the scrap metal industry since 1969.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to reducing our environmental impacts in all aspects of our operations and leading the industry through our focus on customer service, quality control, and environmental stewardship. Our focus is developing and producing sustainable products that meet our customers' needs today and in the future.

Our Challenge

Our challenge is to be competitive in a global industry while setting best of class standards & protecting the environments in which we work and raise our families.


CASS is a processor of ferrous and nonferrous metals, servicing the domestic and international markets of the scrap metal industry for over 40 years. We are committed to being the leading recycling company through our focus on customer service, quality control, & environmental stewardship. Our challenge is to be competitive in a global industry while setting best of class standards and protecting the environments in which we work and raise our families.


Steel is the most recycled material globally. Annually, more steel is recycled in the US than paper, plastic, aluminum & glass combined. CASS recycles obsolete ferrous scrap recovered from a wide range of consumer, commercial and industrial sources and is then processed into commodity grade material and sold to domestic and export markets.


Nonferrous metals such as aluminum, copper, nickel, and zinc are among the few commodities that can be infinitely recycled. We provide an avenue for end of life materials to be responsibly recycled after its useful life so it can be reused. Our scrap is marketed to consumers who rely on our material as a competitive, environmentally suitable, and energy efficient input to manufacture brand new commodities.

Materials Accepted

Company Services

Company Locations

2730 Peralta Street
Oakland , California
United States
ZIP: 94607
View Directions

Phone : (510) 893-6476

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