Local Boys Metal Recycling

510 Wellsian Way , Richland, Washington, United States

If you live in Richland, Pasco, Kennewick or the surrounding areas, we are your solution for appliance recycling, appliance removal, and appliance hauling.

Benefits of Recycling

In 2008, the metal recycling industry generated $86 billion and supported 85,000 jobs. The recycled materials that the industry processes into raw material feedstock every year are used for industrial manufacturing around the world. In 2008, the United States exported $28.6 billion (roughly 44 million metric tons) of scrap metal commodities, which contributed significantly to U.S. trade balances.

Metal Recycling Saves Energy

Recycling scrap metal reduces greenhouse gas emissions and uses far less energy than making metal from virgin ore.The amount of energy saved using various recycled metals compared to virgin ore is up to:

  • 95 percent for aluminum

  • 90 percent for copper

  • 74 percent for steel

Metal recycling also conserves natural resources. Recycling one ton of steel conserves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal and 120 pounds of limestone! Recycling a ton of aluminum conserves 8 tons of bauxite ore and 14 megawatt hours of electricity! Because metals are not renewable resources, recycling helps provide for their sustainable use while freeing up space in our landfills!We would like to personally thank all of our customers, past, present, and future! Together we do make a difference.

Need to schedule a pick up?

FREE PICK UPS: Washers, Dryers, Ranges (Stoves), full size Refrigerators and Freezers that are LESS THAN 20 YEARS OLD.
Must be fully assembled, and out front ready for pick up. If you aren't sure how old your refrigerator is look at the label inside the refrigerator. If it uses Refrigerant R134A it qualifies for a FREE pick up as long as it is complete and in reasonably good condition.

 Any appliance more than 20 years old, also small appliances like microwaves, dishwashers, other appliances that fall under this category are water heaters, barbecues, and lawnmowers. $10-$20 per pickup

Materials Accepted
1Air Conditioners
4Hair Dryers
5Hot Water Heater

Company Services

Company Locations

510 Wellsian Way
Richland, Washington
United States
ZIP: 99352
View Directions

Phone : (509) 308-8251

Mail : Localboysmetalrecycling@gmail.com

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