Coshocton Recycling

47359 Co Rd 496, Coshocton, Ohio, United States

Welcome! We hope these pages will help you find and utilize all the recycling opportunities in Coshocton County. There are also lots of other ideas on how you help reduce the amount of trash you generate and info about our program.

Jeff Wherley serves as the Program Director and the Education and Awareness Specialist. Mike Carroll is the litter collection supervisor. Tim Beck is recycling site manager.

Office hours are from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can call us at 740-824-5533. The office is part of the Coshocton-Fairfield-Licking-Perry Solid Waste District. These four counties joined together in 1989 as a result of House Bill 592, passed by the Ohio Legislature.

HB 592 mandated that all counties, singly or jointly, should help reduce the amount of solid waste generated within their county, encourage recycling and help create more purchasing of materials with recycled-content.

This, then, is also the goal of the Coshocton County Litter Prevention and Recycling Office.

To work towards it, we offer many services. We are always eager to work with schools, 4-H groups, Boy Scouts and other groups, giving presentations and sharing resources on solid waste and recycling. This is how many people have gotten to know Jeff, so don't be afraid to ask around if you're not sure whether you'd like him to come and talk to your group. Hopefully, they'll tell you that learning about the environment and recycling is interesting, and can even taste pretty good (when Jeff makes a landfill pie!).

We also do general awareness programs, such our America Recycles Day radio contest, advertising, flyers and this web site (Jeff wrote and designed it himself, so if you like it, be sure to let him know! :) ).

Grant funding is also important for the Coshocton County Litter Prevention and Recycling Office itself. All money the office gets from the CFLP Solid Waste District must come in a grant form. The district also provides money to the Coshocton County Sheriff's Department for a Litter Law Enforcement Officer who ensures anti-littering and dumping laws are enforced, and to the Coshocton County Health Board for a county sanitarian who ensures the county landfill is up to all Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) codes.

Of course, this is only a sampling of the type of work the Coshocton County Litter Prevention and Recycling Office does. And if there's something you'd like us to try to offer which we're not doing right now, please let us know!

Trash is everybody's problem.  This picture of a raccoon was taken in Springfield, Ohio in 2009 after the animal tried to get the peanut butter left in a jar someone had carelessly tossed into a field and got stuck.  Luckily, the animal was rescued and the jar removed.

Curbside in the City of Coshocton 

The City of Coshocton and Big O very much want to thank you for participating in the curbside recycling program.  Recyclables will be collected on the same day of trash collection every week.  The items will be taken to a recycling center to be processed and returned to market. We also provide an 18 gallon bin at no charge.


    River View Elementary Schools accept used ink-jet printer cartridges for recycling. You may drop off cartridges during regular school hours. Call your local school district to see if they participate in the program as well.


    Paper products may be brought to Waste Parchment, located just beyond Ag-Land at the intersection of State Routes 36 and 93 north of West Lafayette from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. You may call them at (740)-545-7092 with any questions.


    Rechargeable batteries may be dropped off at the Walhounding Valley or Coshocton City Fire Departments during regular business hours at no charge. All batteries will be shipped for proper handling and recycling. No non-rechargeable batteries are accepted.


    You can take old computers and all their peripherals (printers, etc.) to Goodwill in Coshocton free of charge. They can even give you a tax write-off if you'd like!
    Questions? Call (740)-622-2288

Materials Accepted
1Aluminum Cans
2Tin or Steel Cans
3 News Paper
6Mixed Paper
7Office Paper
8Phone books

Company Services

Company Locations

47359 Co Rd 496
Coshocton, Ohio
United States
ZIP: 43812
View Directions

Phone : 1(740) 622-6276

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