Arsham Metal Industries

11280 Charles Rd, Houston, Texas, United States

The Arsham family has enjoyed over 40 years in scrap metal business.​
As a full service scrap metal processing and recycling yard, we excel in providing scrap recycling solutions for every type of customer’s needs from individual walk-in traffic and scrap peddlers to industrial scrap accounts. We also serve the scrap needs of other scrap yards by using our experience to export processed scrap to global markets overseas, including India, China, and Japan. Our specialized equipment allows high volume processing. This means our customers get excellent pricing and quick, convenient service.

AMI has grown to be one of the largest and most respected recyclers in the region. Sound business relationships, a commitment to the industry, and family values make AMI your number one choice when recycling scrap metals

Customer Service

When you talk to one of our employees, you can expect to interact with a friendly staff member who will take the time to listen to your needs. If you ever feel like we aren’t meeting the mark, we want to know about it.

We focus on making recycling easy and the customer happy because your 100% satisfaction is our # 1 goal.
At AMI we are committed to the safety of our customers while WE unload your scrap. We let the customer see the weights of their scrap to assure all materials are getting weighed honestly and properly. We’re not afraid of your questions or concerns, so if you have an issue please let us know immediately. It is important to us that you remain confident in your decision to work with AMI.

Who We Purchase From:

​The Public & Households
Scrap Peddlers
Industrial Accounts
Other Scrap Yards

Materials Accepted
4Cast Iron
6Ferrous Metals (Steel or Iron)
7Ferrous Scrap
9Nickel alloys
10Non-ferrous (Copper/Brass/Tin)
11Non-Ferrous Scrap
13Stainless Steel

Company Services

Company Locations

11280 Charles Rd
Houston, Texas
United States
ZIP: 77041
View Directions

Phone : (713) 896-8585

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