Morehead-Rowan County

325 Triplett Street, Morehead, Kentucky, United States

Thank you for visiting the Morehead-Rowan County-MSU Community Recycling Center website. We hope to fulfill all of your recycling needs. Why should we recycle? Why should we spend time and money on promoting recycling?  There are many reasons why recycling is good for the environment and the economy. This site promotes recycling, source reduction and buying products made from recycled materials as objectives to a more sustainable society. We offer a variety of services that make disposal of recyclables both convenient and environmentally sound. This information is for you. If you have any questions feel free to contact us!

The Community Recycling Center, or CRC, was reformed in 2000 as an 'Interlocal Agreement' between Rowan County, the City of Morehead, and Morehead State University.  Our mission is to offer recycling services to the community in an effort to return usable materials to the marketplace and to lessen the amount of waste buried in our landfill.

What started with a handful of volunteers in 1990 in an old school bus garage has become a busy, modern facility on the banks of Triplett Creek.  Drop by to drop off your recyclables and to visit!  To us, Every Day is Earth Day.

No More TVs!

We must stop accepting televisions - the market is too expensive for us to continue. We are working on alternatives, but for now, please don't bring them to the Center.

No Glass...

The markets for glass are also cost-prohibitive: transportation costs are more than the value of the glass. So it is with regret that we must stop accepting glass at this time.

Materials Accepted
2Cell Phones
3Floppy Disks
5Aluminium Foil
6Aluminum Cans
7Tin Cans
11#1 & # 2 Plastic

Company Services

Company Locations

325 Triplett Street
Morehead, Kentucky
United States
ZIP: 40351
View Directions

Phone : (606) 784-1250

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