Outagamie County Recycling

1419 Holland Road (Door #12), Appleton, Wisconsin, United States

Tri-County Partnership

Brown, Outagamie and Winnebago Counties (commonly called the BOW) signed an agreement in 2007 to develop a single-stream recycling facility for operation over 15 years. These three counties have enjoyed a partnership that has created landfill and recycling efficiencies for the benefit of all residents.

A centerpiece of Wisconsin’s recycling industry; the tri-county partnership creates jobs, protects the environment, conserves resources, provides renewable energy and encourages everyone to “Recycle more … landfill less.”

There’s more to recycling than collecting the right materials, and there’s more to landfilling than dumping garbage in a hole. Over the years, Outagamie County Recycling & Solid Waste has developed revolutionary processes, efficient facilities and strong partnerships for the long-term benefit of area residents.

Single-Stream Recycling Facility
The state-of-the-art Tri-County Recycling Facility, operated by Outagamie County Recycling & Solid Waste, was completed in 2009 and is one of the largest publicly owned and operated, single-stream recycling facilities in the United States. The facility is capable of processing up to 100,000 tons of material each year, so the facility’s service area could be expanded in the future. Currently, the facility serves over 65 communities and more than 200,000 households. That’s nearly 16% of the state’s population.

When recycling trucks leave our neighborhoods, they travel to our facility where the recyclables are:

  • Separated from one another by hand and by high-tech sorting equipment.
  • Compressed into storage bales for easy shipping.
  • Marketed and sold to companies to be re-manufactured into a wide array of new products.

Single-stream means all recyclables can be placed into one recycling bin or cart. Using one collection bin or cart makes recycling easy and convenient. The single-stream method also offers communities the option to move to an automated cart system.

The Tri-County Single-Stream Recycling Facility is equipped with specialized equipment called “disc screens” that separate the paper from the containers. Even though machines do much of the separating, there is still a need for manual sorting.

Business Recycling

Wisconsin businesses and other workplaces can save landfilling costs, earn money from the sale of materials and help Wisconsin’s economy and environment by recycling.Wisconsin’s recycling law bans certain materials from landfill disposal, and this applies to all residential and non-residential locations. Businesses and other workplaces must recycle designated materials, as well as provide for the recycling of these materials by their clients or customers.

Business Hazardous Waste Disposal

Outagamie County Recycling & Solid Waste does not accept business generated hazardous waste.

Businesses can contact Brown County Hazardous Waste Facility for year-round hazardous material collection service. Hazardous material is any solid, liquid or contained gaseous material that is no longer used and has one or more of the following characteristics:


  • No Paper Contaminated by Food or Grease
  • No Tissue
  • No Gift Wrap
  • No Plastic Bags, Wrap or Film
  • No Motor Oil Bottles
  • No Styrofoam
  • No Aluminum Pans or Foil
  • No Empty Paint Cans

We accept Wood Waste including, but not limited to:Dimensional Lumber (2 x 4’s, 2 x 6’s etc)

  • Dimensional Lumber (2 x 4’s, 2 x 6’s etc)
  • Doors
  • OSB
  • Pallets
  • Particle Board
  • Wooden Crates/Boxes
Materials Accepted
1Air Conditioners
2Cell Phones
3DVD Players
7CRV Glass bottles

Company Services

Company Locations

1419 Holland Road (Door #12)
Appleton, Wisconsin
United States
ZIP: 54911
View Directions

1919 Holland Road (Gate #3)
Appleton, Wisconsin
United States
ZIP: 54911
View Directions

Phone : (920) 832-5277

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