Metal Movers-Denver,CO

4920 Washington St, Denver, Colorado, United States

Denver Scrap Metal Recycling is a locally-owned and operated full service recycling center located in Denver, Colorado. We buy and recycle all types of Denver scrap metal cars, tires and electronics. Our #1 goal is to give you the best price while providing the highest level of customer satisfaction and service. We are conveniently located at 4920 Washington Street and can have you in and out in minutes.Denver Scrap Metal Recycling (formerly Metal Movers) was started by George Medley, Pastor of ABC Ministries, in 2007. George started the business to support ABC Ministries' mission of helping people in the Colorado community. ABC Ministries welcomes people as they are and offers information, support, learning tools and a helping hand to those in need. Fighting hunger is a core mission of ABC Ministries and they operate a food and clothing bank at 48 East 56 th Avenue. The Ministry helps hundreds of families in Denver each week. ABC Ministries believes that by providing Food and Clothing to individuals and families helps strengthen not only those people, but the community as a whole.

Do you need more cash? Who doesn't! If you have unwanted scrap metal, appliances, electronics, or junk cars lying around, Denver Scrap Metal Recycling will give you cash for them! Denver Scrap Metal Recycling is a leading Denver scrap metal recycling company that wants to pay you for your excess scrap metal so we can get it back into usable condition. We don't believe in metal going to waste and we'll back up our philosophy with cold hard cash!


  • Metal recycling uses less energy and thus produces less greenhouse gases than smelting from ore
  • Metal recycling preserves metallic resources
  • Metal recycling reduces the demand for new metal production which reduces energy usage
  • Scrap metal can be an environmental hazard if it is strewn about, which can injure people and animals
  • Scrap metal is often unsightly and makes an area look dirty and dilapidated


Do you have excess metals left over from a job? Want to unload some copper pipe or aluminum roofing material? Let Denver Scrap Metal Recycling can recycle the scrap metal from your Denver job site before you have to relocate it! Call Metal Movers at (720) 895-3067 and we will help you recycle your Denver scrap metal! We are family owned, open seven days per week, and are dedicated to treating you with the customer service you deserve as a protector of the environment!


If you've got scrap metal lying around, chances are it's taking up space and looking bad in the process. If you brought the metal to Denver Scrap Metal Recycling, your number one source for Denver scrap metal recycling, you could get paid cash, free up space, and help the environment! Doesn't that sound like a win-win situation? We buy scrap metal from contractors and the general public! So give us a call at 720-895-3067 and get paid!

Materials Accepted
1TV Antennas (Indoor)
2Aluminum Cans
5Lead Wheel Weights

Company Services

Company Locations

4920 Washington St
Denver, Colorado
United States
ZIP: 80216
View Directions

Phone : (720) 895-3067

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