Rudy's Metals

750 Richards Blvd, Sacramento, California, United States

Rudy's Metals of Sacramento,CA is a buyer of Copper, Brass, Aluminum, Steel, Tin, Appliances, Car parts, Radiators and more. We offer fast and friendly service and pay competitive market prices

Copper & Brass

Copper pipes, coated wire, uncoated wire, fittings, coax, brass radiators, brass fittings, dirty and clean brass, etc


  • Aluminum (painted aluminum, sheet aluminum, aluminum radiators, window frames, aluminum turnings, rims and more)
  • Cans (We pay CRV on all aluminum cans)

many others!

  • Steel (beams, rebar, angle iron and all other dirty or clean stainless)
  • Tin (car parts, washing machines, dishwashers, hot water heaters, lawn mowers, refrigerators and more)
  • Other (batteries, alternators, catalytic converters, sealed units, Christmas lights and ballasts)
Materials Accepted
2PC Boards
3PC Tower
4#1 Bare Bright Copper Wire
5#1 Copper Tubing
6#1 Steel / Cast Iron/ 5' P&S
7#2 Copper Tubing
8Aluminum Cans
9Aluminum Siding
11Car/Truck Batteries
12Cast Aluminum
13Cast Iron
14Communications Wire
15Copper Transformers
16Insulated Copper Cable
17Insulated Copper Wire
19Light Iron
20Plumbers Brass
21Stainless Steel
22THHN wire

Company Locations

750 Richards Blvd
Sacramento, California
United States
ZIP: 95811
View Directions

Phone : 1(916) 912-0487

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