Iron Scrap Prices in the U.S.A. and Canada

Iron Scrap prices listed below are national average prices paid by scrap yards in the U.S.A. and Canada. Prices are collected from scrap yards directly and updated bi-weekly.

United States Iron Scrap Buy Price Index

MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice Unit
Long Iron Scrap69.7569.7569.75USD/LB
Short Iron Scrap92.392.392.3USD/LB
Mixed Cast Iron Scrap115115115USD/GT
Cast Iron66.4566.6866.22USD/NT
Mixed Iron Scrap56.0356.0356.03USD/NT
Unsorted Iron Scrap909090USD/NT
Torch Iron60.0160.0160.01USD//CWT
Light Iron Scrap39.8540.3339.36USD/GT
#1 HMS Prepared Iron Scrap135135135USD/Ton
#2 HMS UnPrepared Iron Scrap707070USD/Ton
Black Cast Iron165165165USD/MT
Cast Iron Scrap121.59121.59121.59USD/GT
Cast Iron Scrap11.2511.2511.25USD/CWT
Cast Iron Scrap11.0111.0111.01USD/LB
Light Iron Scrap0.060.060.06USD/LB
Sheet Iron Scrap0.060.060.06USD/LB
Light Iron Scrap5.925.925.92USD/CWT
Sheet Iron Scrap228.23228.23228.23USD/NT
Stove Cast/Sewer Cast120120120USD/PT
Torching Iron126.67126.67126.67USD/PT
Sheet Iron115.67115.67115.67USD//CWT
#1 Prepared Iron105.16105.16105.16USD/CWT
#1 Unprepared Iron83.2683.2683.26USD/CWT
Cast Iron Scrap0.160.160.16USD/MT