Metal & Recycling News
The administration is reportedly working with the steelmaker on the transition of the property.
Other industry leaders, including BASF, have also been involved in various efforts aimed at improving plastic recycling.
Copper Transformer and Cu Yokes scrap prices were up by CNY 50 per MT each.
The mills need to source certain raw materials from Canada, due to specific fiber quality demands and transportation efficiencies.
In the Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices went higher by $ 14.30 per Oz.
The industry body welcomed the swift action by the Mexican government in arranging a trade dialogue with the U.S. this Thursday.
According to a company news release, the project has received all the necessary approvals from the state and federal governments.
Levels for all these contaminants have been routinely exceeding water-quality objectives for months, according to the government’s monitoring data.
However, with fewer mills and an aging workforce, the long-term future of the state’s timber economy remains uncertain.
EMR reports a lithium-ion battery improperly sent to its scrap recycling facility caused the blaze. EMR did not immediately return a call for comment Wednesday.
The US President has signed an executive order to impose the levy on aluminium and steel starting from 12 March.