Stonehouse Process Safety - Industry Process Safet

11D Princess Rd, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, United States | Tire and Rubber Recycling

We work in close partnership with our clients to help them obtain the most effective and practical approaches to safe and efficient operations and processes.  We achieve this by bringing together our specialized process safety engineering and management expertise, applicable laboratory test data, and tailored competency development programs.  Our areas of expertise include dust flash fire & explosion hazards, gas & vapor flammability hazards, electrostatic hazards, and thermal decomposition/self-heating.

Stonehouse Process Safety
Stonehouse Process Safety began over two decades ago with a vision to make the best process safety expertise and advice available to all industries. The rising importance of process safety globally and its increasing complexity, as well as the demand from industry for specialized tailored support, makes that vision even more relevant today. Stonehouse Process Safety was established to leave behind the perplexing and inflexible, and to cut through the confusion to offer our clients focused help in finding practical solutions to their process safety needs. Our strategy is built upon the foundations of knowledge, experience, scientific method, practicality, and, of course, trust.
Our Mission
Our mission is to find Practical solutions to technically challenging process safety issues; we provide our clients with the best-in-class, most pertinent expertise – supported by state-of-the-art laboratories. We partner with our clients to reach practical and efficient solutions in the simplest, most transparent way possible.
Our Team
We achieve our goal by engaging engineers and scientists drawn from the worlds of industry, consulting, and academia, who are recognized for their expertise in identifying and solving process safety issues. Many are nationally or internationally recognized experts in their fields.
Company Details
Company NameStonehouse Process Safety - Industry Process Safet
Business CategoryTire and Rubber Recycling
Address11D Princess Rd
New Jersey
United States
ZIP: 08540
Year Established2018
Hours of OperationNA

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