Radiant Electric Co-Op Inc

9346 Jewell Rd, Fredonia, Kansas, United States | Electric Power

Radiant Electric Cooperative is a member based organization providing safe, reliable, and cost-effective energy.

Radiant Electric Coop is a non-profit cooperative with no outside investors. It is owned and controlled by the members who use the service. Your ownership, and your investment come from the refundable membership you paid to get the service, and from any amount of your monthly bills that are in excess of the actual cost to the REC to deliver the electric service to you. Net margins earned by the cooperative are credited to each member's capital credits account at the end of each year. These capital credits are one of the several advantages enjoyed by cooperative members. The members own the system - they elect fellow members to the Board of Trustees who make the policies that control the operation of the cooperative. A cooperative is in business to furnish services or products to only the members, and not to make money for some distant investors. It is owned and controlled by the members - 'Owned by those we serve'.

Safety Begins With You

Safety is very important in any business but much more so in the electric utility business. Radiant Electric Cooperative stresses the importance of a comprehensive safety program for their employees because an accident can be very serious and even fatal. Kansas Electric Cooperatives (KEC) is our statewide organization which provides safety training to our employees on a regular basis including, but not limited to, pole-top rescue, blood-borne pathogens and hazardous communication. KEC makes a special effort to train linemen and others to perform their jobs efficiently with the knowledge of proven safety procedures.

Controlling losses and promoting safety is one of the major goals for any business or industry. Radiant Electric has a responsibility to educate and remind its members of the significance of being safe around electricity and in other areas of their lives.

Company Details
Company NameRadiant Electric Co-Op Inc
Business CategoryElectric Power
Address 9346 Jewell Rd
United States
ZIP: 66736
Year Established1941
Hours of OperationNA

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