Progress Energy Canada Ltd

1200, 205 – 5th Avenue S.W, Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Natural Gas

A leader in Canadian natural gas development, Progress Energy is building upon its history of performance excellence in North America to pioneer new infrastructure to deliver liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Pacific Rim markets.

Progress Energy produces more than 750 million cubic feet equivalent of natural gas per day in northeast British Columbia and northwest Alberta collectively on behalf of the company and our joint venture partners. Currently production serves Canadian markets while ambitiously expanding production capacity on its large Montney land holdings in preparation for the opening of new LNG markets in Asia.

The company is owned by PETRONAS of Malaysia, a global leader in LNG and the owner of Vancouver-based Pacific NorthWest LNG, which is planning to build a world-scale LNG export facility on Canada’s west coast, near Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Together Progress Energy and Pacific NorthWest LNG are helping establish a bright new future for Canada’s energy exports.

Progress Energy is committed to its employees, stakeholders and our operational activity. As such, the company has an integrated Business Continuity Plan to ensure critical business activities can continue in the event of an interruption to systems or access to office space.

Corporate Responsibility

Progress Energy’s ongoing success depends upon the performance of our people and doing what is right by our neighbours, our employees and our shareholders.  We integrate responsible governance, planning and practices into all of our business activities, and we demonstrate our commitment by ensuring safety, environmental and social considerations are carefully managed throughout the life cycle of our operations. We believe using this ethical approach to doing business is essential to our social license to operate.

The safety of our operations and the protection of the public and our employees are the number one priority throughout all aspects of our activities, and at the core of our values for responsible energy development. Our Environment, Health and Safety Management Policy (PDF) provides the leadership and the resources to implement practical systems that will help reduce the potential for incidents in the workplace.

The effects of Progress Energy’s activities on the environment are important and ongoing concerns for communities near our operations and for all stakeholders. Public scrutiny has recently focused on hydraulic fracing, one of the key technologies we use to develop Canada’s abundant natural gas reserves. We strive to improve the environmental performance of all our operations, and we’re working with communities, governments, regulators and environmental groups to develop sustainable water management practices and protect groundwater, which is described in our water management section.

Ultimately, our success also depends on the support of our neighbours where we operate, and we work with them to understand and support their goals and interests. We’re privileged to be able to help support programs and projects in health, human services, education, and we’re committed to sustaining positive and mutually beneficial relationships with local Aboriginal communities.

Progress Energy ensures that all of these commitments are understood and shared by leaders, employees and our contractors and service providers. As we set our sights on significant and long-term growth, we know that our reputation and social license to operate will rest on our economic, environmental and social performance. We expect to be held to the highest standards of corporate governance and stakeholder engagement, and as we grow we will continue to share information on our approach to meeting these fundamental responsibilities.

Company Details
Company NameProgress Energy Canada Ltd
Business Category Natural Gas
Address1200, 205 – 5th Avenue S.W
ZIP: T2P 2V7
PresidentMichael Culbert
Year Established2001
Hours of OperationNA

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