Porewater Solutions

27 Kingsford Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Minerals Recycling

Porewater Solutions (PWS) is recognized as a leader in modeling consultingservices for contaminated sites and water resources.

The PWS Institute has delivered high quality continuing education to professional engineers and scientists worldwide.

PWS offers innovative modeling software tools which are designed to enhance the characterization and remediation of complex sites.

PWS invests in a comprehensive R&D program to ensure we offer state-of-the-art consulting services, software, and education products.

Porewater Solutions offers specialized consulting services, training, and software for evaluating groundwater flow, soil vapor flow, and contaminant transport in the subsurface.

Porewater Solutions also has a training services division that offers corporate training solutions to large environmental organizations.

Porewater Solutions provides responsive and quality solutions based on proven expertise, experience, and innovation.

Key staff at Porewater Solutions have helped clients to save millions of dollars by creatively thinking outside the box, and through very hard work.

Porewater Solutions offers:

  • Expert Consulting Services;
  • Corporate Training Solutions;
  • Continuing Education for Environmental Professionals; and
  • Environmental Software.

Grant Carey of Porewater Solutions has developed a number of public domain and commercial software packages, including BioRedox-MT3DMS, the NAPL Depletion Model, and the Remediation ToolKit including SEQUENCE, BioTrends, and BioTracker.

Porewater Solutions is also currently developing MT3DMS-Diffusion, which will facilitate back-diffusion modeling at a grid discretization suitable for large model domains.

We are also planning to release a two-dimensional, density-dependent soil vapor flow and transport model which we use have been using for over 20 years on projects to simulate the migration of chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, and landfill gas.


Company Details
Company NamePorewater Solutions
Business CategoryMinerals Recycling
Address27 Kingsford Crescent
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA

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