BioTra Solutions

QUEBEC (CANADA), Quebec, Canada | Energy

BioTra Solutions (Transformation solutions) is a Canadian company specialized in the conception of equipment allowing the transformation of residues of biomass into energy.

The replacement of hydrocarbons by that of the renewable energies is beneficial for the environment and to the future generations. We have only to think of the global warming, the prices and the risks of transporting hydrocarbons, cost of the industrial installations to refine hydrocarbons and more still.
BioTra Solutions offers to the entrepreneurs a technology allowing the recycling of the residues of biomass in to energy and all the solutions to achieve this goal may it be the drying ,grinding, handling, compacting and packaging we have the solutions .

BioTra Solutions gives therefore to the businessmen a technology allowing the promotion and the recycling of the residues of type biomass while putting grandiloquence on the needs of the customer to give an experience wich will know how to fill up your wait.

Who are-we

BioTra Solutions arose from a partnership of entrepreneurs working in the field of the transformation(processing) and the valuation of the wood. This union as allowed to combine two essential spheres in this company , the mechanical expertise as well as the research.
The mechanical expertise results from the company Lucien Deroy inc., specialist in preparation and customization of equipment for the wood industry, as well as the manufacturing of such equipments , and this for the past 15 years.

The expertise and research results from an engineer having worked in the set up of companies seeking this technologies The diverse mandates allowed him to elaborate and refine the process and integration of the concept.

This partnership created equipment adapted to our North American standard and needs and we produce these equipments here in Quebec Canada.

every equipments developed by BioTra Solutions was put on bench in real production and was compared with the other brands to insure its competitiveness. So, we made sure to obtain the best out of our equipments before introducing it on the market.
The ultimate commitment of BioTra Solutions is to offer you equipments adapted to the needs of North American buyers , to rock-bottom prices on the market, with a professional supports in all aspect of your project.


BioTra Solutions is offering diverse solutions to the customer wishing to transform organic waste in commercial products. We offer a flexible and personalized approach according to your needs.

Our expertise in diverse situation as giving us solutions which have already showed their efficiency in a context of real production in America . Among these Here are some of our solutions:

Bio Tra Briquetting press

The press developed by Bio Tra solution consist of a machine capable of compressing the residues of dry wood (biomass) of 6% to 12% of humidity in a log shape compressed log. The press is capable of compressing material of a density of 150 to 200 kg / m3 in a density that can go to 1200kg/ m3. This machine is general-purpose and can compress several products according to your needs. Bio Tra press is completely made in Quebec Canada .
Presse a buche

Briquette saw

The saw was conceived to obtain logs with a straight and precise ccutting, this facilitates the packaging of the end product.

Briquette cutter

The briquette cutter (hydraulics with percussion); This type of equipment consists of a point which breaks the log at the contact point with the line of production of log.This equipment is less precise at the level of the lengths of the briquettes. The cut(cutting) is also less frank as a saw.

Rotary drum dryer

Rotary drum dryer and biomass burner; Our experience and contact in the industries help you in all aspect of pricing ,buying, installing and operating these equipment s . We also have access to a bank of used equipments ,and open door at manufacturers of all components. Let us share with you this experience.

Fabrication d’équipement et usinage sur mesure
Pour les besoins particuliers de nos clients, nous fabriquons sur mesure des équipements tels que : des convoyeurs à vis et d’autres types de convoyeur, des alimentations de séchoir et de presse à bûches, des tenonneuses mortaiseuses pour le bois de plancher, des lignes de vernis pour le bois de plancher et plus encore, à des prix très compétitifs.

Company Details
Company NameBioTra Solutions
Business CategoryEnergy
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA

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