Como Reciclar Portatil
Scientific Park, Office B19, Badajoz, Badajoz, Spain | Computer & Electronics Recycling is a company of the BadaTech group , it is dedicated to the free collection of laptops, tablets and Apple products for their disassembly and correct recycling by type of materials, improving by 80% the general recycling process of these final products that already they have no use.
According to the law, in Europe, at least 75% of large household appliances and 65% of computer equipment must be recycled. Specifically, with computers, laptops and tablets, there are three options: donate them to an NGO, deposit them at a recycling point or return them to the distributor.
Disadvantages of donating laptops to an NGO
The first thing is that the laptop or tablet has to be functional, that is, you want to donate it, but is it really going to work for someone in the third world? think that they are going to use applications and give similar uses to the ones you use in the first world. If for you is not worth for them either . Think twice about this before trying to donate it.
The second thing, you have to find an NGO that is dedicated to computers, that is interested in a single piece of equipment and then you have to travel and take it away, are you going to do all this? or will it stay in the car or in the storage room for months until you clean up?
It is also easier for you to call us or send us an email and from www.ComoReciclarPortatil.comWe manage the free collection with our transport, when and where it suits you best , knowing with total security what will be the end of your equipment: RECYCLED PORTABLE 100%
Disadvantages to deposit a laptop in a clean point
The first thing is that the laptop or tablet has to be functional,
Disadvantages when returning a donate laptop to the distributor The first thing is that the laptop or tablet has to be functional,
We must remember the importance of correct recycling , since electronic waste and computer waste have elements among their components that are highly polluting. The batteries of laptops and batteries are particularly harmful to the environment, it contains heavy metals . In a computer, laptop and tablet there are usually lead, platinum, copper and mercury , materials, all of them, very polluting.
Company Details | |
Company Name | Como Reciclar Portatil |
Business Category | Computer & Electronics Recycling |
Address | Scientific Park, Office B19 Badajoz Badajoz Spain ZIP: 06006 |
President | NA |
Year Established | NA |
Employees | NA |
Memberships | NA |
Hours of Operation | Monday - Friday : 08:00 to 10:00 Sat, Sun: 10:00 to 8:00 |
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