Ferriera Valsabbia Spa

Via Marconi 13, Odolo, Brescia, Italy | Scrap Iron & Steel

There are at least two ways of looking at a business. Business means cutting-edge systems, high production standards, maximum reliability of the products. But it also stands for passion for one’s work and respect for that of others, relationships of trust with customers and suppliers, awareness of the environment, and care and attention towards the territory.

We believe that technological quality and quality of life are the two sides of the same precious coin. One cannot really exist without the other, and only their union provides certainty that intelligence, resolve and all the available resources are employed to achieve the best results.

This was the vision of the men who created Ferriera Valsabbia fifty years ago. And this is what their sons still believe today. Times may change, but winning ideas always have deep-seated roots.

Code of ethics

Ferriera Valsabbia S.p.A. adopts this Code of Ethics in order to clearly and transparently define the values ​​that inspire it in carrying out its activities. The Code therefore contains the ethical principles and rules of conduct that administrators, employees, consultants, collaborators, agents, suppliers, business partners and all those who operate in the name or on behalf of the Company (hereinafter “Recipients”) are required to comply. The principles and provisions of this Code decline the general obligations of diligence, integrity and loyalty, which qualify the performance of work performance and behavior in relations with the community and in the workplace. Compliance with the Code is an integral part of the employees’ contractual obligations, also pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 2104 cod. civ. Each violation by the Recipients constitutes, depending on the case, a disciplinary offense (punishable in compliance with the applicable legislation) or a breach of contract. The value and importance of the Code of Ethics are reinforced by the provision of a specific responsibility of the Entities, as a consequence of the commission of the crimes and administrative offenses referred to by Legislative Decree 8 June 2001 n. 231.

Company Details
Company NameFerriera Valsabbia Spa
Business CategoryScrap Iron & Steel
AddressVia Marconi 13
ZIP: 25076
Year Established1954
Hours of OperationMonday - Friday 08:00 - 12:00, 2:00 - 6:00

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