Jefferson, ID Approves $1 Million Land Purchase for Landfill

The amount of gravel which can be extracted from the parcel, according to County Commissioner Roger Clark, is enough to help sustain Road and Bridge for approximately the next thirty years.

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): The Jefferson County Board of Commissioners approved the $1 million purchase for 36.6 acres of land adjacent to the County Line Landfill on Oct. 15. This land will serve a dual purpose; it will be used as a gravel pit for the Road and Bridge Department and will also be used as the County Line Landfill expands.

The board entered into negotiations with property owner Neal Andrus, and came to a resolution based on the current market cost for gravel, according to County Commissioner Scott Hancock, who remarked the final agreement for sale was “fair.” “[This is] Something for the long term,” Hancock stated at the Oct. 15 meeting. “As we said, to take care of the county for the next thirty years which we believe is very important.”

The amount of gravel which can be extracted from the parcel, according to County Commissioner Roger Clark, is enough to help sustain Road and Bridge for approximately the next thirty years. The current gravel source, the county’s Crystal Pit, is nearing the end of its lifecycle, Hancock stated.
