Victoria Gold Mine Stopped Operations After Heap Leach Landslide

According to sources, the gold recovery plant, located on one side of the slide, was not destroyed.

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): Victoria Gold Corp. announced that a landslide at the heap leach facility at Eagle Gold Mine has resulted in shutdown of mine operations. A statement issued by the company on 24th June had confirmed that the heap leach pad at the Yukon mine experienced a failure.

The company press release stated that the site operations have been temporarily suspended. There has been some damage to infrastructure and a portion of the failure has left containment, it said. The company management claimed that no injuries were reported to personnel, in connection with the incident.


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According to sources, the gold recovery plant, located on one side of the slide, was not destroyed. Meantime, the impact of the landslide on other mine infrastructure is yet to be confirmed. However, mine operations have been stopped.

Meantime, Yukon NDP Leader Kate White questioned the accuracy of the company’s statement about nil injuries, saying that she has already spoken to an on-site victim of injury. She called for an immediate response from the minister of Energy, Mines and Resources on the happenings at the mine and the next steps to be taken. Also, White reiterated the need for Yukon to have more stringent mining legislation.