Royal Oak, MI Moves to Make Composting Easier for Residents

Angela Fox, the city’s sustainability manager, was hired last November and suggested the change in Royal Oak composting rules.

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): Royal Oak city commissioners officially amended the city’s composting ordinance as part of an effort to increase composting and reduce food waste in landfills. “It’s really part of the city’s Climate Action Plan,” said Mayor Michael Fournier, “and a way to educate residents.”

Angela Fox, the city’s sustainability manager, was hired last November and suggested the change in Royal Oak composting rules. Aaron Filipski, head of the city’s Department of Public Services and an ex-officio member of the city’s Environmental Advisory Board, said Fox did a review of the city’s former composting ordinance before asking that changes be made.

“The changes make the ordinance easier to understand,” Filipski said, “and the new guide gives good advice and guidance for residents who want to get into composting.” Fox is also part of a city pilot program that started back in February at the Farmers Market.
