Olympus launches the BTX Profiler, a combined XRD-XRF analyzer for comprehensive materials analysis

Olympus has announced the release of a new benchtop analyzer that combines X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) in one unit

WASHINGTON (Scrap Monster) : Olympus has announced the release of a new benchtop analyzer that combines X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) in one unit. The BTX Profiler carries on the revolutionary XRD technology employed in NASA’s “Curiosity” Rover, part of the successful NASA Mars Science Laboratory program, and the highly acclaimed, award winning earthbound technology employed in Olympus Analytical X-ray Instruments. The BTX Profiler combines these to provide compositional materials analysis at the structural and elemental level affording economy of operational costs, space, and time with a seamless integration of data and results.

The BTX Profiler reduces inefficiencies found in conventional powder diffraction systems. Its close-coupled transmission geometry allows for a low powered X-ray source and a small amount of sample. The sophisticated sample handling technology incorporates a patented vibration system that enables random crystal orientation in a fixed sample cell. The CCD detector with its “smart” energy discrimination provides graphical 2-D diffraction patterns, or Ring Patterns, and acquires more data more quickly than conventional XRD detectors.

The Energy Dispersive XRF technology in the BTX Profiler integrates selectable optimized beam paths of a miniature X-ray tube and specialized filters, a large area silicon drift detector (SDD) for optimized resolution and detection limits, and close coupled geometry with the sample, allowing for a wide elemental and concentration measurement range.

The combination of all of these features reduces operational costs, space, and time of measurement while providing rapid, accurate and precise data analysis. The BTX Profiler’s nondestructive capability is of particular significance for several industrial sectors including energy, geochemistry, pharmaceuticals, catalysts, forensics and education.

For more information on the BTX Profiler, please visit http://www.olympus-ims.com/en/btx-profiler/.