Millville, NJ Creates Solid Waste Utility in Bid to Lower Trash Costs

The city’s current contract with the Atlantic County Utilities Authority runs through March 2025.

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): The city of Millville has created a solid waste utility to help deal with the ever increasing cost of trash collection. City officials said creating the utility was the best option they had. A preliminary estimate by city officials said trash collection via utility would cost $20 a month, but fees will be set annually by resolution. Residents of neighboring Vineland pay about $24 a month for municipal trash collection. Officials said the charges will be billed quarterly. The money raised through the fee could only be used to pay for trash collection.

The city’s current contract with the Atlantic County Utilities Authority runs through March 2025. ACUA President Matt DeNafo said the authority is aware of the creation of the Millville utility and said it does not impact the authority’s job. Bridgeton’s collection contract ends in 2025, and DeNafo said the authority is looking to extend Millville’s contract to the end of 2025 so they line up.

Under the new plan, all Millville residential homes, apartment buildings with fewer than 10 units and nonprofits will be billed by the utility. Businesses, commercial and industrial properties, residential properties of more than 10 units, mobile home parks, condominiums of 10 units or more and owners of vacant land will still be required to pay for private trash collection.
