North American Aluminum Associations Call For Stricter Monitoring of Imports

The region’s aluminum and aluminum products trade were worth more than $47 billion during the previous year, it said.

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): In a letter addressed to trade officials in Canada, Mexico and the U.S., the North American aluminum associations have urged stricter monitoring of imports, stronger trade enforcement and continued tariff-free trade. The signatories of the letter are The Aluminum Association, Instituto Mexicano del Aluminio and the Aluminium Association of Canada.


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The letter noted that the aluminum industries in the region have relied on cross-border trade within the North American region for several decades. Canada and Mexico are U.S’ first and second largest aluminum trading partners respectively. The region’s aluminum and aluminum products trade were worth more than $47 billion during the previous year, it said.

The associations noted that the continued tariff-free trade of aluminum within North America is critical to the industries in all the three countries. Both the U.S. and Canada have taken actions to adequately strengthen their aluminum import monitoring programs. The letter urged Mexican government to implement such programs. The letter called for governments in the region to work jointly towards combating unfair and illegal aluminum trade. Furthermore, the associations extended full support to the aluminum sustainability agenda.