Santa Barbara, CA City Council to Review Solid Waste Franchise

The city already has negotiated a proposed solid water franchise hauler agreement in preparation for the expiration of its current agreement with MarBorg on June 7.

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): The Santa Barbara City Council held a public hearing regarding a proposed exclusive franchise for citywide solid waste collection and disposal services to MarBorg Industries that will feature a 2025 switch to curbside cart collection. Staff asked the council to subsequently adopt an ordinance granting the exclusive franchise to MarBorg. The city already has negotiated a proposed solid water franchise hauler agreement in preparation for the expiration of its current agreement with MarBorg on June 7.

Staff conducted an online survey of solid waste customers from June to September 2022, “which indicated that a majority of customers are satisfied or very satisfied with MarBorg’s services,” staff said. Respondents to the survey provided feedback regarding priorities for enhanced service offerings, which were pursued during the negotiation process, in addition to new and enhanced programs and services recommended by staff. New and enhanced programs and services resulting from negotiations include:  enhancements to a variety of neighborhood collection services; compliance with new state legislative mandates; and terms and conditions reflecting current industry standards in a variety of areas.

Negotiated terms include a 15-year agreement with the city’s option for a five-year extension; transitioning small residential collection service to a curbside cart collection program; and keeping MarBorg’s base compensation flat in Fiscal Year 2024 and again in 2025, except for a one-time adjustment for change in fuel costs in that year due to substantial market volatility. “The Franchise Fee paid by MarBorg to the city will also be adjusted to align with best practices around the state and better reflect the impact of the solid waste service on municipal infrastructure,” staff said. “However, changes to the Franchise Fee will not result in a substantive change on the ratepayer’s overall utility bill due to the elimination of the Solid Waste UUT charge, which was previously 6%.
