More Companies Reach Settlement in Ohio’s Closed Loop CRT Lawsuit

Three additional companies have agreed to settle in Ohio’s Closed Loop Refining and Recovery’s cathode ray tube (CRT) recycling case.

SEATTLE (Waste 360):  Three additional companies have agreed to settle in Ohio’s Closed Loop Refining and Recovery’s cathode ray tube (CRT) recycling case.

Resource Recycling reports that on September 30, Sunnking, Environmental Coordination Services and Recycling and Quicksilver Recycling announced that they have reached settlements with Closed Loop’s former Ohio landlords.

In addition, according to the report, there are agreements with Garrison Southfield Park and Olymbec USA, which own warehouses in Columbus, Ohio, that were occupied by CRT outlet Closed Loop before it failed in 2016. Those properties hold roughly 159 million pounds of CRT materials and claim that it’ll cost more than $18 million to clean up their properties.
