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National Electric Coil

Columbus, , United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Energy
Basic Member
Since May, 2015
About Company

Corporate Statistics

  • Founded in 1917
  • 37,000+ square meters (400,000 square feet) of service & manufacturing areas
  • Independent ownership

Technical Capabilities

  • Full-service engineering design supported by a proficient, well-trained workforce
  • Equipment and facilities for all types of machine uprates, redesigns, alterations and repairs
  • Capability to design replacement coils/bars based on surface geometry for:
    • Any OEM, any unit size, type or make
    • Stators:
      • Conventionally-cooled (bars and multi-turn coils)
      • Water-cooled and inner gas-cooled bars
    • Rotors:
      • Conventionally- and inner-cooled rotor windings
      • Copper or aluminum
  • On-going development of improved high-voltage insulation systems

Manufacturing Facilities

  • Stator (Brownsville) and rotor (Columbus) windings:
    • Any OEM, any unit size or type
    • Fossil or hydro units
    • 10,000+ annual coil/bar throughput
  • CAD-based design-to-manufacture system
  • ISO-9001:2008 quality management systems
  • Specialized large machine design programs for designing and analyzing:
    • Precise coil/bar fit, including end turn clearances
    • End turn vibration support systems

Service Facilities & Resources

  • On-site service facilities:
    • Rotating Equipment Service Facility for rewinds and repairs, including high-speed balance pit with running electrical testing capabilities
    • Service bays for transportable generators, exciters and high-voltage motors
    • Facility for hydro rotor field and other salient rotor pole refurbishments and repairs
  • Generator Services Group with skilled trade resources for both fossil and hydro generator units:
    • Rewinds, winding and lamination repairs and rewedges
    • Inspections & testing and general troubleshooting, including vibration issues

The right resources for the job is at the heart of the successful execution of large or complex projects. It requires a company with high-caliber resources in every functional area and the ability to coordinate their deployment in a way that will meet or exceed one's commitment to the customer. National Electric Coil is such an organization.

We have the experience where it counts! NEC is also an organization that greatly values the contribution of its engineers to design, manufacturing and other areas. Many of our functional area managers and senior management have more than 40 years of experience with all types of generator projects — from large to small; simple to complex. Many are also engineers who have made significant professional contributions to both NEC and the power generation industry.

We are the leading independent, high-voltage generator solution provider. At National Electric Coil, solutions for high-voltage generator projects are all that we do. We are first and foremost the most complete generator stator and rotor coil manufacturer and service provider in the world. We have no other industries, companies or technical distractions unrelated to our focus on providing our customers with a Total Generator Solution.

Focus is how and why we became the best and the reason we remain the best. Our infrastructure, engineering practices and equipment are unmatched by any other independent in the world. While we do possess world-class technical capabilities, we still remain the generator specialist that takes great pride in putting the customer first. We’ve been doing this for almost a century, and we are solely focused on being the best high-voltage generator solution provider in the world.

Few non-OEM companies have serviced the Power Generation Industry for as long as National Electric Coil. In continuous operation since 1917, NEC grew up with the industry, initially servicing the mines in Bluefield, West Virginia and evolving in its first 30 years to a full-scale heavy electrical manufacturer and overhauler. In the last 50 years, NEC has designed and manufactured coils for even the very largest power generating units.

Today, we manufacture replacement windings and repairs for any generating unit, from the smallest air-cooled machines to the biggest water-cooled fleet leaders. We provide generator owners an alternative to the OEM for their repair, retrofit and upgrade needs.

When National Electric Coil recast its priorities in 1995, after the buyout of its division from MagneTek by NEC’s management team, the focus was on generators. NEC has a long and extensive history with the manufacture of replacement stator windings prior to the 1940s when it entered the high-voltage stator winding market.

Our goal since the mid-1990s has been to build on this expertise and realign manufacturing and service capabilities to meet and exceed the needs of the next generation of power generators and owner-engineers – from traditional government-owned and investor-owned utilities, to independent power producers and industrial cogenerators. Our history is why you’ll find our people and resources focused not on turbines, not on new equipment sales, but a complete commitment to maximize your generators performance, reliability and life.

Our history is why NEC is completely focused on being your total generator solution!.

Company NameNational Electric Coil
Business CategoryEnergy
United States
Year Established1917
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Failure Mode Analyses
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